This Device They Call a Blog....

I find myself stepping into a foreign world. A world which is largely unknown in my land, but a world that is already highly populated and bustling with life! It is my hope that this, my own contribution to the "new world", will not be fruitless or useless, but a meaningful addition to be remembered. Stay as long as you like!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve and an Excited God

Last night, during Mr. Rouse's message at the Christmas Eve service, I was struck by how God, and probably Jesus, and the angels, must have all felt that night Jesus was born.

I mean, they were all there when Adam and Eve were created, and it was the grandest time anyone on this earth's ever had.

They were also there when the two human image-bearers decided that they wanted something that sounded better, and ended up getting the worst deal possible. Even though God knew it would happen, I can't imagine that there wasn't some sadness involved in the heavenly places.

All through the ages, prophets would come, angels would appear, and God would use various circumstances to point to the coming of a human Savior. But only God knew the timing on that one! What about the angels, constantly serving but just wondering "how long Lord? How long until you finally set your master plan in motion?"

And then, the night came. It's almost like opening night for the biggest Broadway production ever. And God's plan got seriously underway. Thousand of years of anticipation and foretelling were, at LONG last, beginning to unfold!

What would it have been like to hear those angels singing to the shepherds? What they said was just about the most natural thing to say, considering the situation. "Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth, peace among men on whom His favor rests!" God was firing up Phase 2 and it was EXCITING!

(continued from Christmas morning...)

So, are we as excited about the Savior coming as they were? And we even get to see the whole picture front to back! Perhaps we're in need of an enthusiasim adjustment... :)