This Device They Call a Blog....

I find myself stepping into a foreign world. A world which is largely unknown in my land, but a world that is already highly populated and bustling with life! It is my hope that this, my own contribution to the "new world", will not be fruitless or useless, but a meaningful addition to be remembered. Stay as long as you like!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A shout-out to the few who will see this...

I just wanted to let you all know that whatever it is that makes you think I'm such a jolly guy with minimal problems who always has something funny to say, it's a mask, one that I wear so often I frequently forget I have it on. So... don't think that I have any answers or anything. And don't believe it when it looks like I'm happy, because I've just forgetten myself for a while.

That is all.