This Device They Call a Blog....

I find myself stepping into a foreign world. A world which is largely unknown in my land, but a world that is already highly populated and bustling with life! It is my hope that this, my own contribution to the "new world", will not be fruitless or useless, but a meaningful addition to be remembered. Stay as long as you like!

Friday, September 24, 2010

An Amusing Musing

So, I've been half thinking about this for a while, and...... wow guys, so I just basically answered my own question. but so that you have a little window into my brain, such as it is, i have been considering recently the moral standing of crude humor. It's ok, you can laugh, just be sure to tell me that you did. Yeah, so I'd just really been wondering if it was morally wrong to, for example, laugh at a "pressure release", as some like to say, since it's just a natural thing, and if someone thinks a noise is funny why shouldn't they laugh? (unless it's an inappropriate time to laugh at all, of course) as much as most, or at least, MANY things which can be encompassed by the term "crude humor" would be wrong but is it really ALL bad? Anyway, that was my pondering until I remembered the verse in Ephesians 4 that says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth." OH! hey, thinking on the screen here people, so if we want to follow the letter of the law and not the spirit (just sayin') then as long as nobody SAYS anything, it's all good! If it just happens it's funny. But don't crack such jokes yourself, or you'll burn. Okay then! glad that's settled. Nice talkin' with ya'll!!


  1. HA! of all people, I just about knew for sure you'd weigh in on this one. Odd how?
