This Device They Call a Blog....

I find myself stepping into a foreign world. A world which is largely unknown in my land, but a world that is already highly populated and bustling with life! It is my hope that this, my own contribution to the "new world", will not be fruitless or useless, but a meaningful addition to be remembered. Stay as long as you like!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blessed Excitement of the Day

God helped to fix my iPod today! I am SOOOO excited that it is finally useful for music again! There was a tons of lint shoved into the headphone jack so that they wouldn't go in all the way. I was able to dig it out with a bit of florist wire. YAY!!!!!


  1. How in the world.... I don't think I want to know how that happened... O.o

  2. Amber, just carry your ipod in your pocket upside-down for about a year....

  3. awesome...i'll have to remember that.
    'troubleshooting an ipod wire.'

  4. You really should Sarah. Btw, on that note, anyone have any great ideas on how to get dust out from under the touch glass?
