This Device They Call a Blog....

I find myself stepping into a foreign world. A world which is largely unknown in my land, but a world that is already highly populated and bustling with life! It is my hope that this, my own contribution to the "new world", will not be fruitless or useless, but a meaningful addition to be remembered. Stay as long as you like!

Friday, September 10, 2010


It truly is an amazing phenomenon. That sound would be able have such a diverse range of effects on us. When you begin to realize this medium's power is when you (or myself anyway) also see that it is vital that you keep an eye on your intake. Not quantity, but quality. And not quality as in how well it's produced or how good the singer's voice is, but Phillipians 4:8 quality. Songs that are true, songs that are honorable. "whatever is lovely" is a little harder, a discussion for another time perhaps, although I will say that I don't think that means you can thump your text and say one opinion of genres is better than another. Anyway, I would question the honorable nature of album after album of "Oh how I love you baby... ::insert pickup line here::" For a husband and wife to dance to, maybe, but we the underage teens? As much as the music itself is great, you don't normally just hum along with a song you like, you SING! which means saying the words. Words which you wouldn't say any other time. Should we be doing this? Let's talk.....


  1. Hello new blogger! :)
    Good thoughts. I've thought about this some too, and it's changed the way I decide what music I like.
    As my friend Shelby puts it, "If it doesn't honor God anyway, why waste your time?"


  2. I don't know about you, but the only kind of music I like now is Worship music. Groups like Sovereign Grace or PDI and the such. I used to like Rock, but not so much now.

  3. Hey there Rachel! Thanks, I don't know that I can say it has really changed my choices but.... now that I think about it maybe it should. way to go Shelby!

    That so Rocky? Very cool. You heard much Hillsong?
